Cultural Competence

Cultural CompetencyTraining

Robust cultural competency programs to drive social, health and business contribute to population trust and organizational sustainability.

We Teach

healthcare organizations how to translate cultural competency to clinical relevancy when caring for the LGBTQ+ patient.

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Learn about the people you serve. Learn about yourself.

Maybe your organization needs to join the 21st century, or perhaps you have new employees, interns, or students who would benefit from some cultural competency knowledge and practice? Not only will your teammates learn and develop, but you are likely to see business improvements overall: decreasing barriers, collecting accurate data, even preventative care refinement.


Examples of Training Needs:

  • Annual, recurrent staff training
  • Corrective action
  • New employee onboarding
  • Workshops for aspiring healthcare heroes
  • Risk Mitigation

Cultural Competency Quiz: Did You Know?

Did you know that some patients may take a certain prescription medication for hypertension while another patient may incorporate the same medication for hormone replacement therapy? Approximately 4.5% of U.S. citizens self-identify as LGBTQ+, and there exists a growing need for healthcare and other service providers to be supportively mindful of sexual gender minority (SGM) physical and mental health trends. 


Did you know that some patients may take a certain prescription medication for hypertension, while another patient may have been prescribed the same medication for hormone replacement therapy? You can become mindful of sexual gender minority (SGM) physical and mental health trends while learning to differentiate between stereotyping vs. intentional inquiry.


The National Average LGBT Education Curriculum for Physicians is 5 hours

(Source: Obedin-Maliver)       


The National Average LGBT Education for Registered Nurses is 2 hours (Source: Nursing Commons)


Only Only 26% of ER Physicians receive LGBTQ+ Training (Source: Academic Emergency Medicine)

Dina Proto International LGBTQ+ Healthcare Consulting Presentation Video

“Having been a Board-certified emergency physician for 20 years I have witnessed many facets of family and friend interactions. I have worked and known Dina for many years and I can’t think of a better person to help bring the “Identity” conversation to the forefront. Not only is she a good nurse but she is a caring, loving and open individual. The acceptance of all people regardless of their beliefs or sexual orientation has to be started as early as possible. An open vulnerable society would only lead to acceptance, tolerance, and love. As a father of a gay son, demonstrating our understanding and tolerance has allowed open honest dialogue, not only in our immediate family but within our circle of friends as well.” – Marc Jeser, Emergency Medical Director Summerlin Hospital

Helping You Achieve Cultural Competency


The first step is to create awareness

Dina’s spirited conversational teaching style creates engagement for healthcare, education, corporate, marketing/media and advocacy groups. Let Dina take care of the education and prevention for you. Be sure to see if she offers something for your group! And if you don’t see it listed, please reach out and ask how she can help! If you don’t ask the question……you’ll never know~

IMPACT internal stakeholder cultural Awareness, Knowledge, Skill

Does your team enjoy engaging in live, in-person learning opportunities?
Does your company prefer the convenience of online learning?
What organizations may benefit from a specialized program by Dina Proto International?
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Understanding the ROI of Cultural Competence and Inclusivity on Your Practice.
By the end of this course, executive and mid-level management will develop a better understanding of the relevance and potential return on investment (ROI) for ensuring that cultural competency is translated to  the bedside for the LGBTQ+ patient population.  
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Societal Driven Integrated Care for the Sexual Gender Minorities
By the end of this lesson, you will develop an increased understanding of how the evolution of society and technology drive the integration of patient care and your resulting role.
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Barriers to Effective Communication with the Sexual Gender Minority Patient Population.
By the end of this lesson, you will develop an increased understanding of the barriers to effective communication with the Sexual Gender Minority (SGM) patient demographic and how they can be improved by the healthcare provider.
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Improving LGBTQ+ Patient Outcomes By Reducing Unconscious Bias.
Utilizing evidence-based research, clinicians will learn about the impact a patient’s identity has on the medical care they receive, the increased incidence of certain medical diagnoses, the impact of a delay in diagnosis and their potential effect on the business of providing care.
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Societal Impact Sexual Gender Minority Wellness.
By the end of this lesson, you will have developed an increased understanding of the historical role and impact that society has on Sexual Gender Minority (SGM) Health and Wellness.
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Managing Service Expectations of the Sexual Gender Minority community along the Generation Cohort.
By the end of this lesson, you will develop an increased understanding of the value of meeting the service expectations of the Sexual Gender Minority (SGM) patient along the generation cohort.
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Psychological Impact of Political Administrative Changes on the Sexual Gender Minority Community.
By the end of this lesson, you will develop an increased understanding of The Psychological Impact of Political Administration Changes on the Sexual Gender Minority (SGM) Community and apply that to the minority stress theory as it relates to Sexual Gender Minority Healthcare Disparities. 
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What’s a Pronoun Between Friends?
By the end of this lesson, you will develop an increased understanding of the utilization of Pronouns when working with and providing care to the Sexual Gender Minority (SGM) community.
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Translating Cultural Competence to Clinical Relevance at the bedside.
Utilizing evidence-based research, clinicians will learn about the impact a patient’s identity has on the medical care they receive, the increased incidence of certain medical diagnoses, the impact of a delay in diagnosis and their potential effect on the business of providing care.
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