The Business Case

The Value Of Impact

How Cultural Competence Translates to Clinical Relevance

The expected result:

To learn how to apply what they learn to their operations

Improve internal stakeholder cultural Awareness, Knowledge, Skill to effect positive patient outcomes through improved provider interactions and caring.

What are the advantages of intentionally meeting the healthcare needs of patients with diverse backgrounds?

The Why behind the wisdom

  • Understanding: 

Increases mutual respect and understanding between patients and your organization  

  • Community:  

Promotes trust and inclusion, internally and externally   

  • Accuracy:

Enriches patient data collection  

  • Care:

Decreases care disparities and barriers that slow progress 

Improves patient preventative care measures

  • Regulation:

Improves HCAHPS Scores, Healthcare Equality Index, customer service

Decreases hospital readmissions and length of stay

Meets legal and regulatory guidelines 

  • Financial:

Reduces medical errors, number of treatments, and legal costs

Increases the market share of the organization 

Improves cost savings due to improved efficiency of care services

Improve Your Business Growth

Healthcare Organizations that are committed to ensuring culturally competent patient-centered care garner profitable benefits.

Additional IMPACTS

Identify areas of opportunity to improve LGBTQ+ Patient care by creating an inclusive patient care environment where culturally competent healthcare can be delivered.

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